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The German Language School Conference (GLSC) 


The German Language School Conference (GLSC) is the national umbrella organization for private German language schools in the United States. Our member  schools,  which  operate  mostly  on  Saturdays, serve children  from preschool through high school and adults.

Our organization projects a positive image of the language and culture of the German-speaking  countries  and represents  our  member  schools and  their interests. We provide a forum for pedagogical, administrative, legal, social and other  issues  for  our  member  schools.  We  offer  our teachers  continuous education and create a setting for sharing pedagogical ideas and professional experiences. 


American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)


The American Association of Teachers of German supports the teaching of the German language and German-speaking cultures in elementary, secondary and post-secondary education in the United States. The AATG promotes the study of the German-speaking world in all its linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity, and endeavors to prepare students as transnational, transcultural learners and active, multilingual participants in a globalized world. 


American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

ACTLFL logo with blue star burst and white background

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction. ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 12,500 language educators, students, and administrators. 


German Central Agency of Foreign Schools Abroad (ZfA)

German foreign schoolwork International Through its language advisors, the German Central Agency of Foreign Schools Abroad (ZfA) supports schools and programs of German as a foreign language. These are mainly the German Language Schools (part-time or “Saturday” schools), the German immersion schools and some American High School programs.  Support is offered through financial and sometimes also personal aid, grants for teaching materials and educational development in workshops and conferences.  

The aim of promoting these schools and programs is to introduce the German Language Diploma (DSD), which in its final level (DSD II) allows the unrestricted admission into German universities without any further language requirements.


Forum Deutsch

Forum Deutsch is a community that develops around learning, knowledge, and resources to provide a strong supportive network and advance German language education.


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For our Expat friends re-locating to the New York metro area, check this guide for all things German families and HEIMATAbroad